Demo Calls That Don’t Suck

So you demoed all them features?
Showed them that neat trick?
And still they went cold?

Price and feature battles aren’t reason enough for your prospects to buy, not in 2022. They make your prospect yawn.

Discover what makes a great demo and learn to go from being just another option to being a deliberate one.

But seriously though, save the feature-led demos for when they actually buy!

Save your spot now!

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  • Feb 10, 2022
  • 10:00 AM
    Pacific Time
  • Free, Online

Meet your hosts

Rajiv Nathan
Founder, Startup Hypeman
Named ‘Agent of Change’ by Huffington Post, Rajiv helps startups not suck at telling their story so they stand out to their audience. With 100s of hours of call reviews under his belt, Rajiv’s demo call techniques are yet-to-be beat.
Named ‘Agent of Change’ by Huffington Post, Rajiv helps startups not suck at telling their story so they stand out to their audience. With 100s of hours of call reviews under his belt, Rajiv’s demo call techniques are yet-to-be beat.
Shruti Kapoor
CEO, Wingman
From co-founding and building the best actionable conversation intelligence platform, to developing robust and scalable sales engines, Shruti brings to the table intricate knowledge and first hand experience on what makes a great demo call.
From co-founding and building the best actionable conversation intelligence platform, to developing robust and scalable sales engines, Shruti brings to the table intricate knowledge and first hand experience on what makes a great demo call.
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  • Feb 10, 2022
  • 10:00 AM
    Pacific Time
  • Free, Online

What you’ll learn

1. Why your demos fall flat and how that decimates your AOV.
2. How to structure your call flow to get prospects excitedly asking YOU for next steps and increase conversion rates.
3. How to implement a coaching system for scalable, repeatable success.

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